Sunday, July 17, 2011

Road Trip Days 4 and 5

Been too busy for the Blogger, but can't wait to update everyone!!!

Day 4: The most exciting part of the morning was waking up to the waffle maker in the hotel! Cole went to sleep the night before saying he couldn't wait to get up just to make his waffle. Dayne got an extra special treat-they had BLUEBERRY waffle batter too! So both boys got up early, at breakfast, and helped load the car so they could go right back to sleep! We had a long driving day ahead of us so I enjoyed my quiet time while they slept and we stopped to use the Wi-Fi at Mc D's to find a skatepark we could stop at for our break in the afternoon...we found a great park in Greenfield, IN. We loved the little town! The park had some teenagers there so I said hi. I offered them some cold sodas and I think it officially scared them off. So, I'm not cool and we get the hint. Anyway, it was a great break and a really beautiful park.

We finally made it to Port Clinton that evening with the family! Wow! We had the most amazing visit! We had wonderful hosts, fantastic food, and a GREAT LAKE!!! Yep, that's right. The Great Lake Erie! We had a picnic at the Lighthouse with our Bubba Burgers (except for the one that was a special Bubba, but not really a Bubba because it changes everything if you take off the BBQ and replace it with mayo. The kids had a great time running around the park. Dayne skateboarded some more outside the house and the dog was waiting on him at the door! I think the dog fell in love with Dayne!

We really enjoyed our time in Port Clinton and would love to go spend a week with our family next year!!!! We will see where God takes us!

Day 5:

I told Mawmaw she must be heartbroken every time she leaves those kiddos because it was AWFUL to say goodbye to everyone! We loaded up and headed to Cleveland to meet up with Uncle Carl and Rock out at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. Now, I guess I didn't think this day through, but it had to be the most uncensored day of the trip. I guess there will always be sex, drugs, and Rock N Roll. It seems we learned about overdoses, saw inappropriate images, and of course saw lots of artifacts in the museum. This became a great time to teach the kids a few things about the world and discuss them in a positive way.

We were heading to eat lunch at a local hot spot and we drove right by a skate board park! After lunch, we headed back over there to let Dayne and Cole skate. After talking to a few locals about the weather, we complimented the skills we saw and headed back to the concert...

The boys asked if they could go backstage and Uncle Carl said YES! Cole was in awe over the stage itself and they even played the drumset that would later be played in the show! They felt like superstars and enjoyed everything about the concert experience. They love being kin to the fancy guy on the stage and knowing the guy next to him! It was incredible to watch Bub perform and see how amazing his stage presents has blossomed! After the show, the boys celebrated by taking a shot! Yep! They took a 5 hour energy shot for the first time. They crashed within 5 minutes of driving down the road to head toward Buffalo.

Guys, we are BLESSED and Highly Favored! God is taking care of us and we thank you for your prayers! We didn't do much ministry today, but sure enjoyed time with family. I felt like we were ministered to today!

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