Monday, July 11, 2011

Road Trip Day 1

Today started out with a big "sleep in" time! I couldn't get the boys up to help me get out of the house and I really thought they would be so excited that they wouldn't be able to sleep! This probably won't be the first time I am wrong about something on this trip. I am sure this will be a big time of learning more about each other as we go! Go family time!!!

So I had the boys type up their blog entries on the iPad that our gracious friend Stefani loaned us for the trip! Their entries were short and well, sweet, I guess. Dayne actually created a bunny so here it is:

Daynes blog

I am at my great grandmas so we can drop off the dogs and take a break from driving. I am excited about going to NY
     ()      ()
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c(                              )
       (!)               (!)
Lol. I made a bunny :)

now, Here is Cole's:

Cole's blog

Took a break.

As you can tell, most of the posts will have to come from me, I guess.

I have one great story to share of the day. We stopped to let the dogs out of the car and take a break. I was wearing my new t-shirt from SOUL church that my buddy bought me yesterday. It says "Jesus Squeezes" on the front. As it sounds, these are Gods' hugs! This precious, sweet woman said she like my shirt so right then and there, I hugged her and showed here a 'Jesus Squeezes'. It was a DIVINE APPOINTMENT! I felt like God was encouraging me in our journey to be bold and tell others about His love!

I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. Here is a great scripture to ponder on:

Romans 5:18.

Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people.

It's that simple! This scripture goes great with the message from Pastor Steve at LP yesterday!

Keeping you posted on God's progress....

1 comment:

Frank said...

Looks like y'all are geared up for an awesome, rowdy road trip!