Friday, June 14, 2013


We are heading to bed now!  We are waking up to the vacation of a lifetime. Just last week our pastor preached about how Disney is a trip, NOT a vacation.  I beg to differ. That's not even in the Bible. Ha!  We are doing things a little different. We won't arrive at a hotel within the park only to have our luggage brought in by the hotel concierge...we are driving across the country road trippin' style to see America. We will land in a comfy RV with Mom and Larry where we will leisurely choose 7 days to explore the Disney parks-these will not be consecutive either. Camping opportunity to blend vacation with a trip!  I'm so excited I can't sleep. Stay tuned to  hear all about our experiences and lets NOT FORGET who blessed us with this opportunity!  Our Savior Jesus Christ who deserves an accolade!  We won't be quiet about Him!  Thank you Lord for family, friends, and for this incredible journey!  May it bring You glory!

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