Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First Day at Disneyworld!

The most magical place on earth is Disney. No, seriously!  Turner ad Cole got to go to Jedi training and Dayne and I auditioned for American Idol!  We didn't go to Hollywood, but Alice critiqued us beautifully!  We felt like they just preferred a different styles but we still think we're great singers!  Ha!

We spent the day at Hollywood Studios and Epcot. The kids enjoyed their packed lunch and dinner!  I may be cheap, but these kids appreciated the $3.50 cookie they had tonight!  It's the little things in life!

The kids were overwhelmed with all of the amazing Disney techniques. The magic is truly that you get to experience things in a simulation format thY you may never do in your lifetime. 

For instance, we will probably never blast off into space. I do believe the kids feel like they have come pretty close!

Leaving the campgrounds, a hot air balloon was landing right in front of us. I thanked God in all the excitement that He was going to show us things we never thought we would see. We met a family tonight in line. They loved The Lord. Not only did we get to enjoy their company, we felt like we made lifelong friends. We built a connection with them for an hour of our lives. God knew who we needed to meet and when. Normally I would think He would put needy people we could help or give us some sort of service opportunity, but today was different. We met exactly who we needed to an when it was time. 

Thank you again, God, for the wonders of your great love. You are showing me so many things on this trip I need to see!  

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