Friday, July 25, 2008

Missing friends and a schedule...

Yesterday I actually felt like it was time to get back on a schedule. I felt uneasy about what to do next. It seems we still have so much to do, but at the same time, I have never been 100% efficient on time management. We have our annual birthday swim party we are planning along with my pampered chef show. We have summer fun planned this week and next, but work will start early for me this year. The kids are not secure in their new school and we have no sound day care. Maybe I will feel more prepared when we have more concrete plans for our future. I am currently listening to a book on tape called Rosie Dunn. The narrator constantly reads to and from because they are always e-mailing and instant messaging! What a difference from 20 years ago! The literature really has a way of keeping up with the Jones'. Well, I think I am going to stop the audio to watch my Redbox. I have locked myself in my room eating junk food and listening and watching this rented entertainment. Till next time...

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